I fear that my current situation may have stemmed from my heavy run of completing work for the last show of 2012, I finished over 30 sculptures within a month and a half and pushed myself very hard to do so ….but …now I find myself slightly bed ridden thanks to a herniated disk in my lower back, according to the doctor it is a significant bulge so I have embarked on a slow and painful journey with a physical therapist that specializes in spinal injury, he has high hopes we can remedy the situation. For the last two weeks I have been working on doing so, this has taken a huge chunk of time out of my work much to the disproval of me cause I am currently not creating anything, Sitting and standing for any amount of time has been more than discomforting, I am pushing on with the therapy and have much faith in the doctor working with me, he truly seems to know what he is doing, I have to admit I am already doing better than I was when I first went in to the doctors with the pain and lack of movement, I have much more time to invest before I can get back in the shop, small steps are already going on flat art but it too has been slow in progress, hopefully this will all change soon and I can be back to my old self sooner than later. pain meds here I come.